Friday, October 26, 2012

The heART exhibit

This exhibit  mounted on February this year in Irawan ArtCafe are works that explore the environment.

Henry Saldajeno

Henry Saldajeno

 Henry Saldajeno hails from Aborlan, Palawan. Located in the southern part of the province.He is of a Tagbanua descent, one of the third major tribe in the island.He belong to a group called Aborlan Arts Program, trained and enhanced by Charles Wandag. He works in terracotta and rubber cut prints.Samples of his works can be seen below.

rubber cut print, photo courtesy of Kalinawa Foundation

terracotta sculpture, photo courtesy of Kalinawa Foundation

the Artists.

recent art activity 

these are photos of some Palawan visual artists,top left clockwiseDinggot Conde-Prieto, Frances Mendoza, Mario Lubrico, Susan Sales-Tupas, Pat Marquez,Jr., Alvin Bayking, Cleng Sumagaysay, Henry Saldajeno, Elorde Mesac, George Bacaltos, Jojo Orcullo, James Zabala, Arvin Acosta, Jonathan Benitez, H. Dan Habaradas, Aureus Solito(film).

while data may be added and for the purpose of compilation to  complete the roster, this photo might be updated continually..

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The local artists and the alternative art venues

 Upon advised from artist-curator Dinggot Conde-Prieto the lists below were further extended to artists who participated in  the art scene in the past 20 years,  exhibited widely (for visual artists), noted musical performances(for musicians) This lists may expand as a measure to update its content.

 Artists*                              category                    facebook page
Dinggot-Conde-Prieto     visual arts, curator, cultural worker
Lui Oliva                           cultural worker, curator      
Jonathan Benitez      visual art, music,exhibit organizer
H. Dan Habaradas               visual art                      
Alvin Bayking                    visual art, music         
Frances Mendoza                 visual art, tattoo     
Cleng Sumagaysay             visual art               
Aureus Solito                          indie film                        
James Zabala                     visual art                      
Brenda Praico-Zabala          visual art                       
Mario Lubrico                    visual art               
Susan Sales-Tupas              visual art, music      
Elorde Mesac                     visual art                      
Cely Orcullo                              embroidery, mosaic
Jane Orcullo-Campbell            visual art                      
Pat Marquez, Jr.                        visual art, music         
Zaldy Jumawan                         visual artist                           
George Bacaltos                       visual art
Henry Saldajeno                       visual art
Gerry  Gabo                               visual art 
Mike Garcia                               visual art                      
Nabil Padilla                              visual art, tattoo                                       
Sandra Michon                   visual art                      
Mitu Tupas of Mitus Tribe   music,crafts           
Jones Tabujara, Diwan Group music, crafts      
Kawangis ng Tribu              music, crafts         
Ems Lucasan                      music, bamboo instruments inventor
Nonoy Lanzanas of Sinika      music, songwriter     
Bimbo Fernandez                     music, songwriter                    
Jojo Orcullo                              crafts                              
Pedrito Ensomo                        photography                
Claudette Ensomo-Sendaydiego   photography      
Kanz  Ponce de Leon               photography 
Michel Gacott                           visual art, tattoo
Al Linsangan                            photography
Rodney Formaran                    music

 Transients (resided* in Palawan  then migrated/abroad/went other places)

Badjao-Charles Romano Wandag   visual, music, cultural worker    
Diokno Pasilan                        visual,music,multimedia,performance art
Niel Pasilan                              visual, performance art                                               
Nonoy Alcalde                        visual art, performance,music
Jun Claudio                              visual art, music
Noe Tio  (deceased)               visual art, music, digital graphics

*names listed has exhibited / participated in the development of the local art scene.This may expand as my data is updated.        

Alternative/Art Venues:


The Gypsy's Lair Artcafe                                    Mercado   de San Miguel, Puerto Princesa City                                 

Skylight Hotel                                                  Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City       

Ka Lui Restaurant                                             Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City

Irawan Artcafe                                                 Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City

Dos Palmas Art Center                                                    Dos Palmas Island Resort and Spa, Honda Bay, Puerto Princesa City

Palawan Museum                                                             Mendoza Park, Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City

Banua Pension and Arthouse                                        Liwanag St,.cor B. Mendoza St,, Puerto Princesa City

Lotus Garden                                                                     Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City             

Katabom Bar                                                                      Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City              

Galeri Kamarikutan at Kape(defunct)
Atwani Artcafe'(defunct)                                    

El Nido Boutique and Artcafe                                        El Nido, Palawan

Balay Tubay Bistru                                                          El Nido, Palawan

*Studio/Shop:                                  location

Ikaw kag Ako(defunct)                                 Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City
Kabadyangan                                                Irawan, Puerto Princesa City
Asiano                                                          Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City/Coron, Palawan
The Gypsy's Lair Artcafe Shop                   Mercado de San Miguel, Puerto Princesa City
Banua Pension and Arthouse Shop              Liwanag St, corner B. Mendoza, Puerto Princesa City
Palawan Museum Shop                                Mendoza Park, Puerto Princesa City

* - although there are many  souvenir shops sprawling  in the city, their displays are common crafts wares, what I have included here are run by artists, selling unique items.This lists may expand as data is updated.

The art venues:
(in no particular order, source photos were properly acknowledged, thank you guys!)

Balay Tubay Bistru, El Nido                                photo courtesy of

Katabom Bar, Puerto Princesa City         photo:

Skylight Hotel, Puerto Princesa City                             photo:

El Nido Boutique and Artcafe, El Nido                        photo:

Galeri Kamarikutan at Kape (defunct)  photo: Francisco)

Lotus Garden and Suites, Puerto Princesa City   photo:

Atwani Artcafe(defunct)

Palawan Museum, Puerto Princesa City                 photo:

The Irawan ArtCafe' /Forest Canopy Zipline

Dos Palmas Art Center, Honda Bay

The Gypsy's Lair Artcafe'

Ka Lui Restaurant                                                          photo: poor

Friday, October 12, 2012

art exhibits, at present

Art happenings in and around the Island of Palawan.
Most happenings were in Puerto Princesa City, its main capital.

In the past few years many art events are unfolded and celebrated but not widely documented.
The city has a rich trove of culture performers, painters and craftsmen, whose studios or shops are not  located in popular business areas, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the city's commercial districts.

with other Palawan artists during the opening of one of my  exhibits, in Gypsy's Lair and Artcafe'

Since the closure of Kape Kamarikutan at Galeri, (the usual exhibit and workshop space in the city)  artists were extending to alternative venues like artcafes, hotel lobbies and a museum.
Last May(2012) the CAFE (Concerned Artists For the Environment) launch an art exhibit in one of the hotels in the city of Puerto Princesa. Hotel lobbies and cafes are the most common venues for the local artist's art shows.This was the most recent art events for this year in the visual arts scene.The Skylight Hotel just recently opened its lobby for art venue.
Skylight Hotel lobby located in Rizal Avenue..

C.A.F.E. is one of the visual arts group in the locality, composed of painters, sculptor, and musicians. Their aim is to reflect in works the modern life in the island.
The group is composed of Palawan artists whose purpose is to create art based on relevant events that affect the lives of the community and of the society and to highlight important issues for public discourse.
          Founded in 2003, in an art cafĂ© by Charles Wandag(now based abroad) and Jonathan Benitez, it has no permanent members, no binding organizational by-laws, but the core is composed of serious artists who act as organizers. The idea is “like having a conversation over a cup of coffee”, It is about transforming “arguments” into visual imageries and offered to the public for opinion.
Invited individual can automatically become part of the group that could function as organizer as well. Members are artists who practice the true spirit of creativity, dedication to his own artistic vision and established artists in Palawan art scene.

performance art by Raquel de Loyola, the author, and two other artists in Kalugtan Arts Festival, 2010
The town of El Nido, aside from its beautiful lagoon and majestic limestone cliffs, also host to art festivals called Kalugtan Arts Festival, Kalugtan means "earth" in Cuyonon, its local dialect. High caliber artists from different parts of the Philippines attended this event.The festival showcased artworkshops, performances, lectures and exhibits.Intended to promote its local artists and educate its communities, the affair adds color and flavor to the town's prestige.

The Kalugtan is one the Arts festival Celebrated annually,  the first and most popular was the Kamarikutan Arts Festival held in Puerto Princesa City ( a separate post will be assigned for this topic).

One may noticed, my posts were not discussed in chronological order, or a continuation of past posts, as I am still in the process of gathering facts and data to support my story. Art blogging is complex because pertinent issues arise as areas mentioned might need some validation along the way. I might be viewed as out of context for those with in depth understanding of Palawan art, but my point of view is that of a person telling a story-not as an art historian or for academic purposes, but a conversation about what I do.Since I might document directly or indirectly my art community, I decided to make it more factual, in doing so, I have to consult the other key players and associates to posit me right on the road.Thank you Dinggot Conde- Prieto, a respected curator/artist/cultural worker.
Other posts are just  glimpse of recent activity, while I am "refreshing" my memory on the preliminaries: How Palawan Art was developed.

refer to my blogs for more postings about art events..more postings to come!