Saturday, July 20, 2013

let's continue

I've been busy in the past few months in my work, since no new development occurred within these past months..I think I would be visiting the studios of my fellow artists...
will post my stories later...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Exhibit

the venue of this event was moved to the Legislative Building...


      The  Kalinawa Art Foundation ,Kalinawa Art Foundation  a non-profit organization who promotes the development  of and dedicated to bringing the finest  Indigenous Peoples' visual art in the Philippines will mount  the 3rd Indigenous Peoples' Visual Art Exhibition in Legislative Building, Provincial Capitol Compound, Puerto Princesa City in the province of Palawan.
      Works to be exhibited are expected to come mostly from the Tagbanua and Palawan' tribe from the south and from the Cuyunons (from the ethnolinguistic group).The Tagbanua group of artists dubbed as the Aborlan Art Programme, introduced to rubber cut prints and terracotta sculpture comprised the exhibitors.There are nine known  IP's in Palawan, but only few were mapped when it comes to surveying their art.The first exhibit was held in Kamarikutan Kape at Galeri, preceeded in the second time in Asturias Hotel, now for the third time, the venue is set in the lobby of Legislative Building.
Many of the products that emerged in the souvenir shops were made by the Palawan group; consisting of wood carvings, bamboo square-based baskets (tingkup) and replicas of hunting gears and masks.We hope that  in years to come, many of these undiscovered artists and artisans will emerge and show their art through the support of the foundation.

Activities are as follows:

April 18-19, 2013                registration of participating artists and acceptance of artworks
April 20                               opening of the exhibit, public viewing and judging  by selected  juries.                                
April 26                               closing ceremony and awarding of winners, return of works

Thursday, March 7, 2013


In the first quarter of the year 2013, there was no art happenings. March is a busy month for parents preparing for the students' examination and graduation exercises. Summer is closing in, time for vacation, the city might witness art activities in April.

In the past years, months of April is one of the most exciting times of the year in the arts. The Pagdiwata Arts Festival  which was hosted by the defunct Kamarikutan Kape at Galeri showcases workshops, performances and exhibits. This attracted visitors, artists from around the country, and locales alike. Many local talents were nurtured and helped develop, exposing art awareness among the community.We hope the said festival which was discontinued 3 years ago will be revived in the future.

Hopefully, there will be new culture and arts promoters to emerge to help develop art awareness in Palawan. As the influx of  immigrants(local or foreign) and tourists demand more areas in the arts and culture to offer,  local culture can only best understood through the arts, and not only through visiting beautiful places.

There are local artists practicing their art here.They are exhibiting their works from time to time(alternative art venues are listed here in the blogs pages) hopefully, when you visit Palawan you might stumble in one of their exhibits.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Happy new year everyone.It's been a long while that I have not updated this blog. I am busy with some projects, my work demanded time, so it took me a while to attend to tell stories about our local art scene.
The scene here for this month is 'waiting' for happenings.
After a year of observing the 'goings on' while I am part of it-(did a handful of shows, some group and one solo) there might be another exciting events that is going to unfold, as there are new artists emerging in town.
New visions might be blazing around town.