Thursday, March 7, 2013


In the first quarter of the year 2013, there was no art happenings. March is a busy month for parents preparing for the students' examination and graduation exercises. Summer is closing in, time for vacation, the city might witness art activities in April.

In the past years, months of April is one of the most exciting times of the year in the arts. The Pagdiwata Arts Festival  which was hosted by the defunct Kamarikutan Kape at Galeri showcases workshops, performances and exhibits. This attracted visitors, artists from around the country, and locales alike. Many local talents were nurtured and helped develop, exposing art awareness among the community.We hope the said festival which was discontinued 3 years ago will be revived in the future.

Hopefully, there will be new culture and arts promoters to emerge to help develop art awareness in Palawan. As the influx of  immigrants(local or foreign) and tourists demand more areas in the arts and culture to offer,  local culture can only best understood through the arts, and not only through visiting beautiful places.

There are local artists practicing their art here.They are exhibiting their works from time to time(alternative art venues are listed here in the blogs pages) hopefully, when you visit Palawan you might stumble in one of their exhibits.